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December Legislative Update

Pictured: Sen. Chris Johnson, back right, speaks to students at Singing River Electric Power Association's Cooperative University.

ARPA Hearings

For the past several weeks, the Senate has been holding hearings on the American Rescue Plan and how the Legislature can best appropriate the $1.8 billion passed down to Mississippi from Congress. We heard from subject matter experts, policy advisors, state agency heads, and other Legislators, all of whom brought thoughtful proposals. One of the biggest challenges we in the Legislature will face this year is determining where all that money should go, and how to use the dollars to make a lasting impact on Mississippi.

Economic Development

The Hattiesburg area continues to enjoy economic success. More and more businesses are opening or relocating in this area, creating jobs and generating revenue that can be used for important causes like funding education and improving our infrastructure. Just this month, Jones announced it was constructing its new headquarters in Hattiesburg. Jones, which began over 70 years ago as Jones Lumber Company in southwest Mississippi, is investing over $40 million into the area and creating 200 new jobs. I’m proud to always support fostering a strong business environment that attracts new companies and creates more jobs.

Merry Christmas

To all my friends, supporters, neighbors, and fellow Mississippians, Merry Christmas. The holidays are a great occasion to spend time with family, eat great food, and to reflect and appreciate all that we have. I hope all of you have a fun, safe Christmas season.

I’d Love To Hear From You

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts. What are you excited about this Christmas season? What do you think about our current political landscape? How could I better serve you as your State Senator? Let me know! Email me at

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